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You're Gonna Love Your New Life
Jesus' confrontation with the Pharisees revealed two stark contrasts regarding Him.
The Light Meets the Dark - Part One
Pastor Wes Emerson | January 22nd, 2017
Sermon Notes
John 8:12-12
(Several defamations were hurled at Jesus in an attempt to destroy His ministry)
1. He Bore False Witness--John 8:13, Exodus 20:16, Luke 23:2, John 8:44
Note: The Defamation, v13, was false--Jesus had many witnesses on His behalf:
A. The Prophets--Acts 10:43
B. The Angels--Luke 2:11
C. The Baptist--John 1:26-27, 29, 34
D. The Father--Matthew 3:17. John 5:37
E. The People He Changed--John 4:39
The dark religious leaders sought to defame Jesus by calling Him a liar!
They accused Him of speaking for Himself, with no witnesses to confirm His claims
It was the pharisees who bore false witness: Jesus was confirmed by any witnesses
Will you be His witness today?
Will you speak out in His Name and share Him with others?